We have created various programs for different members of the athletic community to be a part of in order to help break the stigma of mental health in athletics. All of our programs and events aim to educate, advocate, and support student-athlete mental health.

The Campus Captains program is the cornerstone to our mission. With over 900 student-athletes serving as mental health advocates on over 750 unique campuses, our Campus Captains are leaders in their communities. With support from leaders within The Hidden Opponent, they are openly combating the stigma around mental health in athletics and are creating lasting, impactful change.
Our newest program, the Coaches and Professionals Program aims to provide education and resources to coaches and support staff. This program focuses on various topics which aim to help coaches and professionals be the best support system they can to their team, while also prioritizing their own mental health and self-care practices.

Want to host an event that will have the impact of a lifetime? The Hidden Opponent is home to a variety of professional speakers that can cater high-quality programming specific to your group's needs. Click the link above for details on how to bring one of our speakers to your campus community.