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The Coaches & Professionals Program aims to provide education and resources to coaches and all adults who work with student-athletes. The program covers a variety of topics, helping coaches and professionals become better support systems for their athletes, while also prioritizing their own mental health and self-care.


If you would like to volunteer as a panelist or content creator, please fill out our Coaches & Professionals Engagement Questionnaire here. You can also join our Coaches & Professionals Facebook Group to stay up to date with the program and any resources we share!

Image by Jeffrey F Lin


Access our library of panels, which feature voices from coaches, support staff, administrators, and mental health and performance professionals. The panels cover important topics surrounding mental health from a coaching and administrative perspective. Watch the videos or YouTube or listen to the podcast version on Spotify


Learn from the experiences and expertise of other coaches and administrators. Our C&P community shares their stories of personal mental health journeys and navigating caring for their athletes. 

Image by Tim Mossholder


Want a one-page resource that you can share with your colleagues and athletes, or even display around your athletic facilities? Check out our PDF Resource library!

The Hidden Opponent is a 501(c)(3) non-profit registered in the state of California
EIN: 84-3209846

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